Band 8 (April 2006)

Band 8 (April 2006)

Beiträge zur bayerischen Entomofaunistik 8: 1–11. Vergleich der Neuropteren-Zönosen auf Tanne und Fichte in Bayern (Neuropterida: Raphidioptera, Neuroptera). Axel Gruppe. Download als PDF.

Abstract: The neuropterid communities in tree crowns of silver fir (Abies alba) and spruce (Picea abies) were studied by use of flight interception traps in the year 2004. At six study sites in Bavaria, representing the broad ecological tolerance of silver fir, arthropods were captured at five mature trees of both species at each site. Although it is generally assumed that silver fir harbours a species poor arthropod coenose, the number of neuropterid specimens and species was significantly higher compared to spruce. Altogether 962 specimens of the families Raphidiidae (6 species), Chrysopidae (10 species), Hemerobiidae (10 species), and Coniopterygidae (7 species) were captured. The most abundant species were Peyerimhoffina gracilis (33.8%) and Coniopteryx pygmaea (23.5%), followed by Hemerobius micans, Parasemidalis fuscipennis, Sympherobius pellucidus and Phaeostigma notata representing 9.0 to 4.0 percent of all specimens. The remaining 27 species occurred with less than 3% of the specimens. About one half of these species are known to develop on deciduous tree species. Thus, silver fir seems to be an important host plant for Neuropterida at least in mixed forest stands.

Beiträge zur bayerischen Entomofaunistik 8: 13–41. Ichneumonidae aus verschiedenen Waldgebieten Bayerns – Ein Vergleich zwischen Straten und Baumarten (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Helmut Sebald & Martin Goßner. Download als PDF.

Abstract: 1,109 Ichneumonidae were sampled during two forest science projects in Bavaria (1995–1997, 2000) and taxonomically assessed. 1,006 specimens were identified to species and another 103 to subfamily or genus level. In total, 152 species were recorded. Pimpla turionellae (Linnaeus, 1758) with 92 specimens, Cratichneumon culex (Müller, 1776) with 92 specimens, and Lymantrichneumon disparis (Poda, 1761) with 72 specimens were the three most abundant species. Activity of the 25 most frequently found species were analysed with regard to vertical stratification (near ground and canopy) and preference for a particular tree species. A special study was performed on species overwintering as imago. For Itoplectis maculator (Fabricius, 1775) and Pimpla turionellae (Linnaeus, 1758) clear evidence was found that mating take place in the canopy. For Neoxorides nitens (Gravenhorst, 1829) and Ischnoceros caligatus (Gravenhorst, 1829) a preference for crowns of Quercus robur could be supported. By examining seasonal pattern of sampling results the existence of a second generation of Pimpla flavicoxis Thomson, 1877 and Cratichneumon culex (Müller, 1776) was confirmed. We suppose that Mastrus rufulus (Thomson, 1884) and Cratichneumon fabricator (Fabricius, 1793) are bivoltine, too. Among the 15 overwintering species recorded, seven were sampled exclusively by hand collecting.

Beiträge zur bayerischen Entomofaunistik 8: 43–48. Erstfund von Dirhagus palmi Olexa, 1963 in Deutschland in den niederbayerischen Donau-Auwäldern (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae). Johannes Georg Bail. Download als PDF.

Abstract: The eastern-karpathic species Dirhagus palmi Olexa, 1963—up to date known from the Slovakia Republic, western Ukraine, Hungary and eastern Austria—is recorded for the first time in Germany, in 2004/05 from the floodplain forests of the Danube in Eastern Bavaria. This xylobiontic beetle feeds on old and decayed wood. The sampling was made by tree canopy fogging and using flight intercept traps in the canopies of Quercus robur. The habitats are located at the confluence of Isar and Danube. Site descriptions and data on further interesting species of xylobiontic beetles of this locations are given, the technique of tree canopy fogging is outlined. The Central European species of the genus Dirhagus Latreille, 1834 are depicted, a table supporting determination is compiled. Zusammenfassung: In den Jahren 2004 und 2005 konnte der als ostkarpatische Art beschriebene und aus der Westukraine sowie der Ostslowakei, Ungarn und dem Burgenland bekannte Eucnemide Dirhagus palmi Olexa, 1963 erstmals für Deutschland in den Hartholzauen an der Donau in Niederbayern nachgewiesen werden. Dieser Besiedler von altem und morschem Totholz wurde durch Baumkronenbenebelung und Flugfensterfallen aus dem Kronenraum von Quercus robur erhalten. Die Fundgebiete sind Teil der weiten Auenwaldkomplexe am Zusammenfluß von Donau und Isar. Beide Flächen werden vorgestellt sowie Informationen über weitere dort nachgewiesene bemerkenswerte Arten gegeben. Dazu erfolgt eine Beschreibung der Methode der Baumkronenbenebelung. Für die mitteleuropäischen Arten der Gattung Dirhagus Latreille, 1834 wird eine Bestimmungshilfe insbesondere für die Männchen in Form einer Tabelle und anhand von Fotografien gegeben.

Beiträge zur bayerischen Entomofaunistik 8: 49–87. Regionalisierte und kommentierte Checkliste der Wasserkäfer Bayerns (Stand 2005) (Insecta: Coleoptera aquatica). Ullrich Heckes, Monika Hess, Günter Hofmann, Heinz Bußler, André Skale, Jürgen Schmidl & Franz Hebauer. Download als PDF.

Summary: In addition to the recently published revision of the red list of threatened and endangered animals we present a regionalized checklist of the waterbeetles of Bavaria. Moreover we add comments on selected rare, newly recorded or rediscovered species and remarkable records and point out nomenclatural alterations. Zusammenfassung: Im Nachgang zur Neufassung der Roten Listen Bayerns wird eine nach Naturraumgruppen regionalisierte Checkliste der Wasserkäfer für den Bezugsraum vorgestellt. Ausgewählte seltene Arten, Erst- und Wiederfunde, bemerkenswerte Nachweise und nomenklatorische Neuerungen werden kommentiert bzw. dokumentiert.

Beiträge zur bayerischen Entomofaunistik 8: 89–98. Kommentierte Faunenliste der in Bayern nachgewiesenen Raubfliegen (Insecta: Diptera: Asilidae). Klaus von der Dunk & Joachim Hable (unter Mitarbeit von Gisela Merkel-Wallner). Download als PDF.

Abstract: In addition to the new Red Data Book [2004], a checklist of all 67 species of robber flies known from Bavaria is presented. The table reflects the knowledge in autumn 2005. Species with one asterisk before their name are commented.

Beiträge zur bayerischen Entomofaunistik 8: 99–105. Neue Ergebnisse zur Faunistik der „Microlepidoptera“ in Bayern – 5. Beitrag (Insecta: Lepidoptera). Herbert K. Pröse. Download als PDF.

Abstract: Five species are added to the list of Bavarian microlepidoptera: Ectoedemia amani, Bryotropha domestica, Endothenia pullana, Barbara herrichiana, and Grapholita molesta. Another 11 species having not been reported for at least 50 years and three other Bavarian species of special interest are dealt with. The taxonomic relationship between Eucosma scutana (Constant, 1893) and E. parvulana (Wilkinson, 1859) is discussed. Zusammenfassung: Diese Arbeit enthält Angaben über faunistische Kleinschmetterlings-Neufunde für ganz Bayern, für größere Teilgebiete Bayerns, sowie über wiederentdeckte, für verschollen gehaltene Arten. Die Taxonomie im Umkreis von Eucosma scutana (Constant, 1893) und E. parvulana (Wilkinson, 1859) wird diskutiert.

Beiträge zur bayerischen Entomofaunistik 8: 107–111. Pyrgus malvoides Elwes & Edwards, 1897 auch in den bayerischen Alpen – Erstnachweise für Deutschland (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae). Gerald Fuchs & Werner Wolf. Download als PDF.

Summary: Two recent records of Pyrgus malvoides Elwes & Edwards, 1897 from the Bavarian Alps (Ester Mountains and Upper Isar, at altitudes of 1548m and 833m, respectively) constitute the first reliable records of this species from Germany. Supplementary research at the Zoologische Staatssammlung München revealed another four record sites (five specimens) from earlier times. Possible connections with populations inhabiting North Tyrol are discussed. Zusammenfassung: Zwei aktuelle Nachweise von Pyrgus malvoides Elwes & Edwards, 1897 aus dem bayerischen Alpenraum (Estergebirge und oberes Isartal auf Höhen von 1548m bzw. 833m) stellen den Erstnachweis dieser südwesteuropäischen Art für Deutschland dar. Ergänzende Untersuchungen in der Zoologischen Staatssammlung München erbrachten dann noch vier weitere Nachweisorte (5 Tiere) aus früheren Jahren. Eine mögliche Verbindung zu den Populationen Nordtirols wird kurz diskutiert.

Beiträge zur bayerischen Entomofaunistik 8: 113–128. Pyrgus armoricanus (Oberthür, 1910) in Deutschland (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae). Ralf Bolz. Download als PDF.

Abstract: Ten years ago Oberthür’s Grizzled Skipper (Pyrgus armoricanus) was known only from a few scattered locatilies in Germany. Moreover this little and inconspicuous species was detected exclusively in years warmer than the annual average. Detailed investigations in the last decade revealed that this “bivoltine” species is much more distributed and abundant than supposed formerly and has to be considered multivoltine. The history of its detection, the currently known distribution, regions where this species is to be expected, and biological data are presented and discussed.

Beiträge zur bayerischen Entomofaunistik 8: 129–130. Zum Raupennahrungsspektrum von Melitaea phoebe ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) in Bayern (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Ralf Bolz. Download als PDF.

Abstract: The Knabweed Fritillary (Melitaea phoebe) is regarded to be a monophagous species on Centaurea scabiosa in Germany. In 2004, typical caterpillar nests were found on Carduus defloratus in Northern Bavaria. Consequently, the spectrum of larval foodplants is discussed with a special focus on the older literature.

Beiträge zur bayerischen Entomofaunistik 8: 131–181. Interessante Wanzenfunde aus Bayern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Coreoidea (Insecta: Heteroptera, Geocorisae). Franz Schmolke, Markus Bräu & Klaus Schönitzer. Download als PDF.

Abstract: In this paper, recent records (2003–2005) of endangered Bavarian land bugs are listed and partly commented with special regard to the species of the superfamily Coreoidea. Previously unpublished records of 167 of the 379 threatened species of Bavaria are listed. Among those, there are two species classified as “presumably extinct” in the Bavarian Red Data Book, namely Arenocoris waltli (Herrich-Schäffer, 1834) (Coreidae) and Galeatus affinis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1835) (Tingidae) which have not been found for more than 60 and 30 years, respectively. Furthermore, three species of Lygaeidae, Emblethis griseus (Wolff, 1802), Emblethis denticollis (Horváth, 1873) and Arocatus longiceps Stål, 1872 are reported for the first time for Bavaria.